Monday, August 25, 2008

Soulja Boy Tell 'Em

I didn't know that was your real name until I decided to shit on you in a public forum (accuracy is paramount here at PYHOOYA). That said, for the rest of this post your new name is "Shit Box"...because that's what you are. You recently stated that you would eschew changing your style from producing crap that was just as likely to come out of the ass of a newborn as it was to come out of the mouth of some talentless asshole from Hotlanta (I'm pretending that you weren't born in Chicago because I won't have you as a blemish on that wonderful town).

You said this...
"If I wanted to, [I could] go that route and be respected [not for] my success ... respected [for] my music and my lyrics or whatever...I'm gonna stick to what I do and stay being successful and I'll do some mixtapes and some futures, something like that."

To that I have a few comments. 1) No. You couldn't be respected for your music or your lyrics because you are neither musically nor lyrically talented. Your name is Shit Box for fuck's sake. 2) I commend you for completely compromising your "ethics" in order to say "successful" (I realize that you're arguably a commercial "success" but you and your music still suck monkey balls so your "success" gets quotes around it). 3) You aren't respected for your "success", you're reviled for it. You are everything that is wrong with the music industry these days. In the words of Jon Stewart you are "hurting america". 4) Stay out of the mixtapes, nobody wants to hear you any more than they already have to.

Pull your head out of your ass Shit Box.

1 comment:

Da Moose said...

when people get drunk they need to do some absurd dance or to listen to ridiculous music i.e. the Soulja boy's (dance), the macarena, thong song, rico suave, anything spice girls, i"m to sexy and i can go on and on but i wont. Mostly, i blame white people.