I know what you're all thinking (even you Trump, witcha bitch ass): here's another asshole making fun of trump for his ridiculous hair, or his ridiculous catchphrase, or his ridiculous show, or any number of the other ridiculous things about him that make him such a choad. You'd be wrong. We here at PYHOOYA do not condone repetitious jokes even when they're at someone else's expense. Today, Donald Trump, you're being shit on for what you're doing to the Chicago skyline. (
Here it is in all its awesomeness). We don't hate you for building another tall ass building, those are pretty common, but just look at the glare you're putting off...and the goddamned thing isn't even finished yet. There's a fucking crane on the top of that building right now, not that you could tell from looking at it. Is blinding all Chicagoans part of some Trumpian master plan of yours? Did Omarosa suggest this?

Pull your head out of your ass Trump.
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