Monday, August 4, 2008

Da Green Bay (butt)Packers

Lets recap the past week with the organization regarding Brett Favre:
1)They had told him no
2)Considered trading him (even to DA BEARS)
3)And decided to give him $20 million to not play

So what was the outcome?

After all that craziness the (butt)Packers have decided the reinstate the legendary douche bag

You ask why?

Because --->Brett Favre is the Hannah Montana of Football

Pull your head out of your ass Packer fans.


Anonymous said...

Booooo, when i pushed preview everything was nicely cropped and spaced and then when i post it comes out looking like that. Post fail.

Person Caller Outter said...

I cleaned it up for you. Also, for the record, PYHOOYA does not condone any sort of homophobia and would like to point out that the views of the individual writers do not necessarily reflect the views of the collective group of retards.