Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin

[Disclaimer: We here at PYHOOYA do not take a political standing, while we do have our opinions this is a forum for hating, and we are equal opportunity haters. We will hate on anyone and anything that gives us the chance.]

Before I commence the dumping, let me first commend you for being the first female vice presidential candidate. (note: While I realize there have been other female vice presidential candidates, none of them had a realistic chance to win (sorry Geraldine Ferraro). So they don't count.) Imagine my glee when you so quickly provided me with a chance to show you the underside of the bus. Honestly, this was such a batting practice fastball that I almost feel bad using it...oh well, fuck yourself.

You have explicitly supported abstinence only sex education programs. Hey, good for you. Much respect for standing so firmly in support of an idea that is unequivocally without support from scientific or statistical data. I'm not sure if anyone told you what happens with abstinence only education but here's a pretty quick breakdown of how shit goes. Teenagers are horny as fuck. You're not gonna stop them from banging like rabbits. Seriously you're not. Surprisingly, telling them not to pork all the time will not actually stop them from doing it. So what do they do? Well...they fuck. I think we've established that. Instead of using some sort of contraception however, they just rawdog it. That leads to? Yep, you guessed it, pregnancies (not to mention increased incidence of STD's). Case in point. Your five months pregnant, 17 year-old daughter.

Pull your head out of your ass Palin.

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