Friday, September 5, 2008

Chad Javon Ocho Cinco

[Hating is not always healthy. To paraphrase Pat Bateman, it can dry your skin out and make you look old. Sometimes hating is just not appropriate either. We here at PYHOOYA are all about growing and evolving as a site. Therefore we are instituting a new feature that will appear randomly and keep you on your toes. You ready for this shit? This. Is. Continue Pissing Excellence.]

Unless you competely suck as a person (See: HUTA) then you follow the NFL and are well aware that, in a moment of pure brilliance, Chad Johnson legally changed his name to Chad Javon Ocho Cinco. This bears repeating, Chad Johnson legally changed his name to Chad Javon Ocho Cinco. This move makes everything I've ever done in my entire life (helping vaccinate children against malaria in the Amazon, climbing Mount Everest, brokering multilateral peace talks with North Korea) seem like a junior high spelling bee. The Bengals have now honored his new found legal identity and will list Johnson as Ocho Cinco for all club business. This includes, and my hat is off, the back of his jersey. Hell fucking yes.

So for our inaugural edition of Continue Pissing Excellence, I nominate Chad Javon Ocho Cinco as the only man, no, legend, worthy of this historic prize.

Continue pissing excellence Ocho Cinco.

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