Friday, September 12, 2008


For those of you who don't know, gerrymandering is the practice of redrawing district lines for the purpose of favoring one party over another. It's named after Elbridge Gerry, the governor of Massachusetts from 1810-1812 who apparently is the first genius to try this. Witness the 4th Congressional District of Illinois, one of the most awesome things ever created. Look at that thing. It looks like something Trig Palin might draw (seriously, you suck Sarah Palin).

Why, you might ask, is it shaped like something an Alaskan infant with Down's syndrome would draw? It's designed to contain 2 primarily Hispanic neighborhoods in the Chicago area. See that little strip on the left there? Yeah, that's an interstate; literally nobody lives there. All the surrounding areas are in different districts. I can't say enough how much I love that this exists. It is just to hilarious for me to even properly describe. Seriously though, this is really a problem in our country and it needs to stop. I only laugh at it because 1) its funny as shit, 2) seriously...its really funny (I mean did you look at it?), and 3) if I don't laugh at it I might vomit with rage because of how terrible it is. Stop hurting America.

Pull your head out of your ass Gerrymandering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, you're a terrible person. I'm no republican, but seriously...why don't you pyhooya.