Generally, we here at PYHOOYA like to stay above the fray and hate on everyone regardless of, well, pretty much everything. I've decided to breach decorum. In the true spirit of the United States' history of democratic elections, I've decided to very undemocratically endorse Barack Obama on behalf of all of us here at PYHOOYA. Some of the writers may disagree, but fuck them, this is my post.
Unlike, John McCain and his "Country First" slogan, Obama has never and would never subject the United States to the possibility of
Sarah Palin as President. Obama has consistently opposed the war in Iraq, championed universal health care, pledged tax cuts to those who need it, vowed to wean America off of oil and onto green energy, and supported civil rights across the board.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I toured the Obama campaign's headquarters today. What struck me was the number of enthusiastic young people working in the office. Based on nothing, I can safely state with 100% certainty that McCain's got nothing on them. Obama has consistently fought for the little man, be it as a community organizer (unlike the pit bull with lipstick, I see this as a good thing), as an Illinois State Senator (he pushed legislation through to videotape all homicide interrogations by police officers so atrocities like John Burge's torture regime never happen again), as a Senator he increased the
transparency of the federal government (admittedly with McCain as a co-sponsor), and as a presidential candidate he built his campaign around an army of small donors, refusing to take donations from lobbyists or PACs.
Obama is a former Harvard Law Review editor (and the first black editor at that) and a former constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago. He has the intelligence, the patience and the temperament to lead our nation through the upcoming steep uphill climb out of George Bush's gutter.
The world supports Obama.If Obama has one weakness (
besides being too awesome) it is his foreign policy. To shore up this weakness, he made the responsible VP pick of Joe Biden, the current chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
In short, vote Obama. Don't stay home thinking this is in the bag. I'll be at the rally tomorrow, celebrating an America win.