In The article they talk about a form of punishment still used in the U.S., i should say the South used to deter kids from acting out in class. Yes, i am talking about spanking (not by old nuns in catholic school) we are talking about public school. Corporal Punishment is the deliberate infliction of pain intended to punish a person or change his/her behavior. I wonder if they teach this in education courses at universities to the people who are supposed to be molding our children into bright upstanding citizens. A side note: China has banned the practice. China. A country with a much better human rights record.
Not that it needs more reasons but seriously just the fact they call it corporal punishment reiterates how far back the south is compared to the north. Why cant they call it something a little less evil sounding. How about behavior modification (scratch that, it sounds 1984ish). How about Personal Improvement Method Practice (pimp).
(kid getting pimp'ed)
Pull your head out of your ass "The South" and teachers who beat kids.
meet me at later bar
I feel lost. I'm not even sure what you're talking about. You want me to go to a different website and READ to be able to make sense of things. No fucking thanks.
i guess it is to long of an article to read
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